The Random Post

The Random Post
Photo by davisuko / Unsplash

Today I was listening to the Tim Ferriss Show and it was one of his "The Random Show" episodes, which incidentally tend to be some of his best episodes, in my humble opinion. I thought I'd take a leaf out of Tim's book and make this "The Random Post" for day 28 of my ship30for30 challenge. It’s been a bit of an odd day in one way or another so if the shoe fits...Here are 4 lessons from my day.

Photo by Georg Eiermann on Unsplash
  1. Kudos to the Meccano Robot Builder

I had a neat little surprise on my walk home today. A neighbour has built a large-scale Meccano robot and attached it to a lamppost out on the main road. I've always thought of my commuter belt town as a bit of a soulless place, but these little joys make me reconsider. Funnily enough, I noticed a great bit of graffiti the other day on the side of a post box too.

I've started an Instagram page. I'm not really promoting it, but if you want to check out the robot I've posted a couple of pictures on my Instagram feed. Will try and take a picture that post box the next time I pass too.

Lessons: 1) Put your work out there, Meccano Bot could be sitting gathering dust in the builder’s spare room but now it’s out there in the world to be enjoyed. 2) If you spot something cool, take the time to stop and look. Take a snap. 3) Use it as inspiration for your own work.

Photo by David Švihovec on Unsplash

2. New Apple Watch Face

I'm pretty boring when it comes to the watch face on my smartwatch. I like simple minimalist designs. However, I must admit I was getting a bit fed up with the classic Californian face I've had for the past few months. So, I checked out the new designs. Nike have a new one out, "Nike Bounce". Simple. Crisp. Clean. Popped it on there and I'm loving my watch again.

Lesson: A change is as good as a rest. Small changes can heighten your appreciation for an often-used item or even often performed task. Change it up from time to time (see what I did there?)

3. Today I've Ditched MS Word

Speaking of small changes. I usually use MS Word for my writing. But in the spirit of changing it up, I've written this post solely on Ghost's post editor. Again, a simple thing. But it gets you thinking slightly differently about what you’re doing.

Lesson: Don’t just do the same things you always do in the same old way. Change it up. Write a song up a tree, is just one example I've copied from a friend.

Photo by Ralph Hutter on Unsplash

4. Set Your Time Limits and Get Working

I wanted this evening off writing, so I had to get this post written this afternoon. My wife and I agreed that I had between 4:30pm and 5:30pm to get it done. I got started at 4:45. I'm clicking publish now, at 5:33. Job done!

Lesson: Time constraints can make us so much more productive and force us out of a procrastination mindset. And don't mind if you're a few minutes late!