The Monthly Mention - August 2022

The Monthly Mention - August 2022
Photo by Dillon Shook / Unsplash

The Monthly Mention - August 2022

My monthly recommendations newsletter “The Monthly Mention” covers what I’ve been enjoying from the world of Books, Movies, Podcasts, YouTube etc.

Quick Overview

📕 Book - "Things That Matter" - Joshua Becker

🎸 Band - Bear's Den

🎧 Podcast Episode - The Diary Of A CEO - Simon Sinek

📘 Book - "Wastelands" - Corban Addison

🥃 Whiskey - Longrow - Peated Single Malt Whisky


"Things That Matter" - Joshua Becker

In addition to being a detox for modern life this book is an exploration of what really does and what doesn’t matter. Our lives are overgrown with technology, possessions and desires to lead a so called successful life. But, what is success? How much is enough? How much time do we need to waste in front of screen? This book helps to refocus our attention and perceive the numerous distractions that are getting in the way of us living a more meaningful and purposeful life. This is a must read for just about everyone alive today. Becker is known for his advice on minimalism, namely minimalist homes or minimalism for parents. But this book is so much more than a simple decluttering guide. Getting rid of “stuff” is far easier and more prescriptive than dealing with what really matters and what really does serve our purpose and mission in life. Heady ideals indeed. But ones in which Becker doesn’t just provide off the shelf solutions but makes the reader question and explore their own soul to reach their own conclusions. If you only read one minimalism book, I think thus just may be the one.

🎸 Band

Bear’s Den

I'm not recommending a particular album here this time (they have four studio albums and a few EP’s). I’ve literally just explored this band myself this past week or so and haven’t had time to fully digest their work. They are a folk rock group with a real 'Death Cab for Cutie' vibe. I do suggest you start with their two most popular tracks (according to Apple Music) which are “Above the Clouds of Pompeii” and “Agape”. I wouldn’t argue with the algorithm on that. The live versions of these tracks are available on the deluxe version of their 2015 debut album “Islands” and they work really well live. Or you can sample from YouTube below 👇

🎧Podcast Episode

The Diary Of A CEO - Simon Sinek

If you have not yet discovered the "Diary of a CEO" podcast then this is a brilliant introductory episode. Hosted by Steven Bartlett, the latest member of the 'Dragons Den' here in the UK. He is a great interviewer who doesn't shy away from the hard questions or subjects that others would rather sweep under the carpet. This particular episode isn’t controversial or taboo mind you, but rather a free flowing guide to living a more meaningful and purposeful life (this seems to be a theme this month) from one of the sharpest minds around today. Sinek of “Start With Why” TED talk and multi-million bestseller book fame (not to mention the hundreds of “Best Motivational Speech” videos on YouTube) is at his best here. He even states that this is one of the best podcast episodes he’s done. An interview jam packed full of gems for everyday living as well as the secrets of successful business. I particularly enjoyed the material on uncomfortable conversations and the huge need for us to have more of them. A great way to spend an hour and a half. However it may just take a lifetime to apply the wisdom provided.

📘 Book

"Wastelands" - Corban Addison

If you enjoy true crime, an old fashioned courtroom drama or even a plain old police procedural, then this first foray into narrative non-fiction by Corban Addison will be your cup of tea. Speaking of which, the forward to the book is by none other than the king of the legal thriller, John Grisham. I can't put it better than Grisham: "Beautifully written, impeccably researched, and told with the air of suspense that few writers can handle, Wastelands is a story I wish I had written." A classic David vs Goliath tale. Poor rural homeowners vs big agro/big hog. Essentially the case revolves around the foul stench produced from the practice of industrial scale pig farmers spraying (or more like gunning) hog faeces and urine onto fields adjoining their barns. Not only creating putrid air, but acres of wasteland. Can the small guy overcome the odds and prove that these factory farming practices are ruining their lives, keeping them huddled inside and potentially damaging their health? The story has a great cast of characters. Courageous underdogs. Intrepid lawyers. Classic bad-guys. If only it was just fiction.

🥃 Whisky

Longrow - Peated Single Malt Scotch Whisky

As a bit of a whisky nerd it’s a wonder it’s taken me this long to recommend a single malt here. The current bottling of Longrow is the most widely available (“most” being the operative word as even this entry level non age statement bottle is still quite hard to get hold of) of the whiskies that are produced at Springbank distillery. This one distillery produces three versions of their malt. Springbank (rare as hens teeth here in the UK at the moment), Hazleburn (non peated) and Longrow (their heavily peated version). But whichever bottling you can get your hands on out of Springbank will not disappoint! I say to anyone who likes a wee dram to just buy a bottle whenever you come across it. They produce high quality whisky, presented well (higher ABV, natural colour and non-chill filtered) and at excellent prices for the quality you are getting. And as you guys know, my motto is 'Quality Over Quantity'.

📖 Quote For Reflection:

“Money won’t make you happy…but everybody wants to find out for themselves.” —Zig Ziglar