The Importance of Real Goals (Not Two Jumpers!)

The Importance of Real Goals (Not Two Jumpers!)
Photo by Jannes Glas / Unsplash

During school intervals, my friends and I would often host impromptu football matches. We didn’t have the time or the inclination to go round to the far side of the building and play on the official demarcated pitch with proper goalposts and nets. Instead, we made do with a couple of scrunched up school jumpers dumped on the ground. One for each post.

Consequently, we had different size goals each time, no uprights and no crossbar. Not to mention the crafty goalkeepers who would nudge the jumpers closer together when nobody was looking.

Suffice to say, we argued a lot! “That’s not a goal! Yes it was! No way! Top corner all day!” That’s how it went when it was 1-0. Wait until it got to 2 minutes before the bell and it was 14-14. Fists were clenched!

The lesson? Those schoolyard games always remind me of the need to set proper goals. In life, business, family, or even light-hearted hobbies. Without a proper target, you won’t know if you’ve scored or not. And the boundaries can’t be manipulated to appease our conscience or excuse our procrastination.

Setting a goal down on paper, email or even social media can give us the physical and social contract we may need to follow through. Hence, I have set the goal of 30 in 30. The social contract is written. I hope to get the satisfaction from putting one in the top corner. What about you?