Stop Reading This and Go to Bed. (Or Man’s Need for Sleep)

Stop Reading This and Go to Bed. (Or Man’s Need for Sleep)
Photo by Mpho Mojapelo / Unsplash

We have a new-born. Sleep is on my mind. Always on my mind!

One of my favourite non-fiction books of the last few years, the brilliant “Why We Sleep” by Dr Matthew Walker opened (wait for it….didn’t shut…ba-dum-ch!) my eyes to the real intrinsic value of sleep. Yes, we all know theoretically that it’s important. But if you are anything like me, I thought that sleeping was essentially wasted time.

I defy you to read this book and still hold such a ridiculous view of shut eye.

(Tip: Don’t read this book in bed. You won’t get past page 5. You’ll stress yourself out with: “I should be sleeping. Why am I not sleeping? I shouldn’t be reading in bed. I should be sleeping in bed!!”)

Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

Some think “functioning” – and that’s all it is - on 4 hours sleep is a badge of honour. Apparently, Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan boasted of such efficiency. Even Napoleon is quoted as saying: “Six hours' sleep for a man, seven for a woman, and eight for a fool.”

In that case I’m a fool. Or at present wished I was a fool! I’m currently getting the 4 hours prescribed by the leading political figures of the 1980’s.

Sleep affects all aspects of our health, our memory, our concentration. In other words, our ability to function as a human being! Everything is linked to sleep. As Dr Walker points out, sleep is the ultimate restorative medicine. It just isn’t as lucrative as the latest offerings from big pharma or doesn’t sound as sexy as hot yoga.

Photo by Peter Lawrence on Unsplash

We live in a hyper productive run, run, run world where the average person gets WAY LESS than the optimal amount of sleep. This must change. As does the fact that most of us are running against our natural circadian rhythm, like the proverbial salmon swimming upriver. We do not yet know the full damage this is wreaking on our systems.

We need to be smarter with our sleep. Think Google sleep pods at their Mountain View facility – credit where credit is due. They have recognised the power of sleep on their workforce. More employers and education facilities would benefit from following their lead and working with their employees natural sleep cycles and rhythms. They will be more creative and productive for it.

Bottom line: We need more sleep.

In fact, I suggest you head to bed right now. And whilst you do, please spare a thought for us new parents.

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