Sometimes You Got to Listen to Your Own Hype

Sometimes You Got to Listen to Your Own Hype
Photo by Mert Talay / Unsplash

Last night I got a message from my two loyal fans. Yes, as it stands, I have two regular readers. (Aside from my wife, she kind of has to read these doesn’t she?) A big thank you to them for taking the time to not only read my doodles and half-baked ideas, but to also provide some feedback. I really do appreciate it. Honestly, it has helped me keep going with this 30-day challenge.

Anyways, they have picked up on my lack of a niche and seen that I haven’t stopped banging on about this fact. So, they thought they would give me a suggestion based on what they have read thus far.

Their suggested niche…  A motivational speaker.

A motivational speaker?! Tony Robbins watch out!

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

So, I had a look back through my previous atomic essays to see where on earth they got that from. You know, It’s not actually that crazy. I can see where they are picking up that vibe. “You can do it. Believe in yourself. The muse will strike if you do the work.” Etc. There is a lot of motivational content.

However, as much as I appreciate their vote of confidence, I doubt that I could really inspire others to ‘just do it’, especially at any kind of scale. But it got me thinking…

Even if I’m not the motivational speaker type, I know that I can at least inspire myself. And I guess that’s why I’m fundamentally writing this kind of material. To convince myself that I can make a go of it online.

Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash

Sometimes you got to listen to your own hype. I’ve done it tonight. I really, really, really didn’t want to open my laptop. Didn’t have a clue what to write about and didn’t feel like I had the energy to get it done.

So, I had a look at the last 23days work. And it got me going. I gave myself a kick. “You can do this Stew.” And I have done something. Goal achieved. One more essay down.

There is a lesson in there. If you’re struggling for motivation. Pretend you’re trying to motivate someone else, and you’ll likely get yourself going. The old fake it till you make it mentality. Or more often than not its “brave it till you make it’.

A motivational speaker I’m not. But motivational? Well, at least to one person. That’s a start, I guess?