The Monthly Mention - December 2021

The Monthly Mention - December 2021
Photo by Myke Simon / Unsplash

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“Quiet Talkers” - Ken Yates

Thanks to The Minimalists Podcast for this recommendation. Best Album I’ve discovered in the last year or so. Not only me, but my two month old son absolutely loves this album! And by love I mean, he is hysterically screaming, I put on Ken Yates, he dances for a few seconds and then conks out cold. Who needs a hairdryer?

‌🖼 ART

“Windows In the West” - Avril Paton

Some good friends - AVB - bought my wife and I a print of this painting for our new house. It’s one of my favourites. I was entranced by the original watercolour - which can be found in the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow - when I was a kid on a school trip. I mentioned it in passing to our friends and they surprised us with the gift. In a nutshell it’s a portrait of a tenement (scottish for apartment block) building on Saltoun Street, Glasgow. You get to  peek into the lives of those who live in the block. It’s a people watchers painting. See the GlasgowLive article for some interesting background to the piece and the story of its creator.


“The Hermit of Treig” - BBC iPlayer

Touching documentary from the BBC about an ageing hermit Ken Smith, who off grids 27 miles from Fort William. Insightful, heartbreaking, inspiring and just a thoughtful watch. If you enjoy you this you may also like the book “Highland Hermit” by James Carron.‌


“Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our Futures” - Merlin Sheldrake

I read a cracking book about a year or so ago that changed my whole view of Trees (“The Hidden Life of Trees” by Peter Wohlleben), this book will change your perception of Fungi and all things mitochondrial. Just the brief section on Slime Mould is worth reading this book for. Marvel at the wonder of the microscopic world that keeps our above ground world ticking!



Managed to get a chance to see this one with my wife in the cinema (big thank you to my mother-in-law for babysitting). And I must say we were glad we got to see it on the big screen. Moody cinematography, engaging characters, substance as well as style. And from what I hear it’s very true to Frank Herbert’s novel. Sadly, I’ve had the book on my shelf to read for the past couple years and just haven’t got round to it. I know, my bad! But knowing this is at least a double header, with this movie covering less than half of the book, I’ll certainly be reading it before I see part two. Great review from Peter Bradshaw in the guardian.


“How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.”― Henry David Thoreau

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