In Praise of Atomic Essays

In Praise of Atomic Essays
Photo by Lukas Blazek / Unsplash

Keep it simple. And when it comes to keeping writing simple, it doesn’t come much simpler than ship30in30. Write and ship 30 atomic essays for 30 consecutive days. Simple.

It might not be quite that easy if you’re as inexperienced a writer as I am. However, by keeping these essays “atomic” it’s definitely doable. 250 words or so a day. I reckon anyone could do that with a bit of effort. Famous last words!

I only came across this ship30in30 concept recently. I heard Dickie Bush on the Side Hustle Nation podcast discussing his twitter growth strategy and the start of the ship30 cohorts along with his partner Nicolas Cole. To be honest, I’ve not had time to investigate his online course yet but that’s something I will explore at a later date. For now, I just want to get writing!

Therefore, I’m starting my atomic essay journey today, Friday 3rd December 2021.

I’ve always wanted to write. I’ve always wanted to be able to call myself a writer. Yet I never actually sat down to do the hard part. Write. I’ve never had the discipline in all honesty. But after hearing about the online atomic essay community as well as reading the brilliant book “Show Your Work” by Austin Kleon, I thought it’s now or never.

So here we go. I’ve yet to discover my style, my voice, or a coherent theme for that matter. So, some of these essays may be a little random. I’m just going to concentrate on getting something, anything, down on the page. The ‘vomit draft’ as the professionals call it.

The spirit of this little project is all about developing the habit of writing. Start atomic, grow later. The craft will come. And, if not, at least I can officially call myself a writer.

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