Got It? or Not?

Got It? or Not?
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash

I recently re-read the brilliant “Anything You Want” by Derek Sivers. A great little book of vignettes for budding entrepreneurs, especially ones who wish to do things a little bit differently. One of my must reads.

The anecdote that really struck a chord with me this read through was Derek’s singing journey. He is famously the full-time session guitarist turned CD Baby empresario. Put it this way, he’s not famous for his singing voice. However, his drive and determination to be a singer serves as a great lesson. The story goes something like this:

He was always singing. From childhood he sang. He practiced. He had lessons. He formed a band. He was the lead singer.

Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

Nevertheless, “Sorry Derek but you’re just not a singer. You’ve either got it or you’ve not” was often touted his way. The band recorded an album. Derek was the singer. “Great music, but you’re just not a singer are you, Derek?” was the response. The band goes on tour. Derek is the singer. Night after night. Year after year.

Then one night after a gig a fan comes up to him and says: “Wow. Love your voice. You’ve either got it or you’ve not. And you’ve got it.”

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

The lesson is obvious. Try, Try, Try Again. If you have a goal and are determined to achieve it, you can make it happen. It just requires persistent effort.

Parallel to that, don’t be put off by the negativity of others. They might not like your work, but you will reach your “Wow…” moment.

True, the work might be a little rough in the beginning, but any skill can be honed, any talent can be amplified. Tap, Tap, Tap away. You’ll get there.

Don’t worry about whether you’ve got it or not. Because you’ll get it.

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