Dear You 2022 - Letter to My Future Self

Dear You 2022  - Letter to My Future Self
Photo by Flavio Amiel / Unsplash


Dear Future Self,

I’m confident this letter will find you a better version of yourself than the Stew who now writes you this letter.

The last year has been a whirlwind. The highlight being the birth of your first child. So, I’m not sure how 2022 is going to top that but here are three things that you better be doing over the next year or I will not be best pleased.

Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

1 - Spend As Much Time with Your Family as You Humanly Can.

Everyone says that these first few years pass by in a blur and you’ve got to savour every moment. I’m starting to see why that cliché is a cliché. Time goes by WAY too quickly. And although these past few months have been challenging. Lack of sleep, routine, structure etc. They have been the best 3 months as well. Your wee man’s gummy smile first thing in the morning makes it all worthwhile. Continue to enjoy his development. If you’ve been distracted by other things and not giving your family the time they rightfully deserve, then shame on you. Treasure every moment with them.

Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

2 - You Better Have Devoted Significant Effort to Your Side Hustle.

I hate the term side hustle but it’s apt. You have so many ideas and plans but sporadic enthusiasm. You have never managed to hone all of that into a business. I’m not expecting you to be fully out of your current line of work but at least have 1 day of your week devoted to the creative endeavour that you choose to pursue. I hope you have not suffered from analysis paralysis. Take some time to find your niche but don’t wait forever. You can always change at a later date.

Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash

3 - Enjoy the Little Things. Stress Less About Others.

I hope that you are learning to enjoy the little things in life and not worrying about what other people think or expect. This has been a weight that has been lifting over the previous years and I hope that by the time you’re reading this, it will have been completely lifted.

Finally, and most importantly I don’t want you to be left with any regrets from this year. No ‘I wonder if’s’. Give yourself every chance to succeed. In so doing, you will become a person of action, a doer.

I hope that’s the person who is reading this letter.

Peace and Love
