Breaking Free From: “I Can’t Do This!”

Breaking Free From: “I Can’t Do This!”
Photo by Hasan Almasi / Unsplash

I once heard the harrowing story of how some circus elephants are trained and stay trapped to a travelling circus company with only the slightest of chains, despite having the power and the strength to break free from their owners. Apparently, this happens during their early ‘training’ by ‘breaking’ them psychologically. The young elephants are chained up and when they try for hours in vain to break free, they begin to think that its impossible. When this happens for days on end, they become convinced that it’s impossible. Thus, they never try.

The plight of these wonderful creatures has resonance for us as creators. How often have you had such thoughts: “This is impossible! I can’t do this. I’m useless. I give up.” Which is nonsense! Every single one of us has a voice, a story, or a passion that can be brought to light, and which can add value to the lives of others. We have the power to break free from the shackles of self-doubt and indecision.

These fears can be especially true in the early days of a craft or creative endeavour. For me this is writing. Almost every night when I come to writing these atomic essays I’m hamstrung with negative thoughts. “You suck Stew. Your writing is awful. Nobody wants to read such reductionist drivel”. Do you recognise those kinds of inner demons?

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

In such instances we need to get the right perspective. Just as we can look on as the trapped elephant remains in servitude despite being able to walk free, others can look on at us and see the skills and abilities that we possess, yet don’t always see in ourselves. They see past our doubts and fears. They can see the potential we hold within. We need to call on them for the reassurance and encouragement that we need to keep going with our creative work.

Just as an example. I’d yet to tell any friends or family about setting up a website and starting to write these short essays online. But I finally told a couple that we are friends with last night. Guess what? The wife has done the same thing, at the exact same time as me. She has created a blog and Instagram account to start her online journey. What’s the chances?

Now, what was so helpful to me from the conversation with my friends was that they didn’t laugh at my online ideas or put up all the usual barriers. Rather, they expressed confidence that I can do it. And more than that they encouraged me to keep going. “Go on, give it a go. What’s the worst that can happen?”.

Photo by Aida L on Unsplash

I could feel the ball and chain starts to loosen as we chatted over dinner. The proverbial chained elephant breaking free.

I really believe that she can do it too. She has a great idea. And it’s very niche. Which is the name of the game in the blogging, podding, vlogging world. It’s a travel blog, Skye Compass, for those who wish to visit the isle of Skye in Scotland. And if you’ve never been, take it from me it’s one for the bucket list. (Check out the website here.)

And of course, they signed up for my website. So, they will receive these essays directly into their inbox. My first two real subscribers. Thanks Guys! This means that someone other than my wife (and potentially the odd Twitter follower) will actually be reading my work. This is a little nerve racking. But at the same time also motivating. I’m writing for an audience, not just for my own pleasure and amusement.

I believe the same can be true of you too. Strive to get over that hurdle of “I can’t do this” and reframe it as “Why shouldn’t I be doing this?” Break free. There is a big bad online world out there and its waiting to see your work.