
Photo by Luca Bravo / Unsplash

Hey Friends. I'm Stewart Fenwick. This blog serves as my digital notepad. Here is where I will be exploring Lifestyle, Content Creation and Productivity amongst other things.... Enjoy.

The Minimalist Series

Quality Not Quantity
Buy quality, not quantity. Quality goods and services will save you money in the long run, as well as enhance the quality of your life now.
Jack Reacher - Fictions Greatest Minimalist
Jack Reacher is fictions greatest minimalist. The ultimate minimalist. Lee Child is the greatest minimalist author. What can we learn from them?
Ewan McGregor’s new Expedia advert “Stuff” highlights the minimalist manifesto: life is not about stuff, it’s about people and experiences.

Content Creation

30 Lessons Learned from 30 Days of Writing
Writing Lessons. 30 Atomic Essays as part of ship30for30. Here are my 30 lessons from 30 days of writing and publishing atomic essays daily.
If You Do One Thing Today, Do This.
Build your own website. If you only do one thing today, do that. Grow an email list. Don’t just really on social media for your audience.
Learn After Launch
The benefits of learning on the job. They say 99% of learning happens after launching your business. So that’s why we just have to start now.
Have Your Work Scheduled and Prepared in Advance
Having your creative work pre prepared and batched. Saving you stress when you have deadlines, quality assurance & giving you more flexibility.
Investing In Your Personal Media Company
Smartphone users all own their own personal media company. To take it to the next level, should you invest in higher end production values?
The Game You Can Win Every Time
Be yourself. When you speak, write, sing, paint, vlog, podcast, (enter your medium here) like YOU, you will win every single time. Be You.
The Muse Won’t Just Turn Up. She Must Be Invited.
The muse will strike, when we turn up. Do the work regardless of whether we are in the mood or not. When we turn up, the muse will follow.
Just Be Yourself – Be Your “Personal Brand”
Just Be Yourself, Be Your Personal Brand. The value of being yourself when finding you’re 1000 true fans. They want to see the real you.
Sometimes You Got to Listen to Your Own Hype
You may not be a motivational speaker. But you can at least motivate yourself. Me musing on a message I received from two loyal readers.

Breaking Free From: “I Can’t Do This!”
Break free from “I Can’t Do This!”. Overcome the inner doubts and the power of others in seeking perspective when it comes to our creative work.
Building in Public? Or Learning in Public?
Build in Public. Learn in public. Why the curse of knowledge serves as a disadvantage to the expert yet simultaneously suits the beginner.
Got It? or Not?
Derek Sivers singing story in “Anything You Want” serves as a timeless lesson of try, try, try again. Persistent effort reaches any goal.
Hit the creative wall? Here’s how to get over it.
Have you hit the creative wall? Here’s how to get over it. In my case I turned to Austin Kleon and Radiohead. And changed medium.
Agoraphobic Art? Getting Out of Our Creative Comfort Zones
Agoraphobic art is content you have sitting on your laptop that will never to see the light of day. You need to let it go free. Go on, do it!
5 Why’s? The Most Important Analytical Tool?
5 Why’s? The most important analytical tool. The power of repeatedly asking why. Are we doing this enough?
Learning From Lego
Lego Lessons. What Lego builders can teach an entrepreneur. Some follow the instructions. Others break the rules. Plus top 5 sets for adults.
“Repurpose Like A Builder”
Help for Creatives. Hit a wall? Here are some suggestions to get you going. Reuse and recycle from your past, or the past of others.
Only Sing When You’re Winning? Or Are You All In?
“Make Time” by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky suggests you become a fair-weather sports fan. Here is my response.
The Importance of Real Goals (Not Two Jumpers!)
Setting Goals. Setting realistic goals that we can meet. Along with the social accountability of committing in public to a goal.

Public Speaking:

Top 5 Public Speaking Tips
Top 5 Public Speaking tips I’d give to anyone to improve their abilities gleaned from speaking weekly to audiences of 100+ and at times 1000+.
Top 5 Videoconferencing Public Speaking Tips for Zoom
My top 5 public speaking tips when using videoconferencing software, such as Zoom. Gleaned from speaking on a weekly basis to audiences of 100+.
Public Speaking 101 - Putting Together a Presentation.
Having to speak weekly to audiences of 100+ and at times 1000+ this is how I go go about putting a presentation together.


Must Read Books from 2021
Must reads from 2021. Having read 102 books thus far in 2021 I’ve taken a look back and here are my must reads.
Reading, Fast and Slow.
Reading Fast - The value of double speed audiobooks. Reading Slow - The pleasure of a paperback in bed.
Stop Reading This and Go to Bed. (Or Man’s Need for Sleep)
This essay muses on the brilliant “Why We Sleep” by Matthew Walker. I highly recommend this book. A must read.


“The King of Kong” – Movie Review
King of Kong Movie Review. It’s the classic David vs Goliath or in this instance Mario vs Donkey Kong.


In Praise of Atomic Essays
Im writing 30 Atomic Essays as part of Ship30for30. I’ve yet to find my niche writing wise. These essays are designed to help develop the habit.
Dear You 2022 - Letter to My Future Self
I’ve written a letter to my future self. For you to read now, for me to read in one years time.
The Random Post
Random Post. Inspired by Tim Ferriss’ The Random Show, I’ve written “The Random Post” of 4 random lessons from my day.
Bitcoin (mis)understandings?
A Bitcoin battery is one idea to help with the age old problem of energy distribution and storage. Here is how it works. I think!