30 Lessons Learned from 30 Days of Writing

30 Lessons Learned from 30 Days of Writing
Photo by Florian Klauer / Unsplash

30 Lessons Learned from 30 Days of Writing

After 30 days of writing and publishing 30 atomic essays each day, here are my 30 takeaways:

1. It’s hard work.

2. At the same time, it’s a lot of fun.

3. You need to plan in advance.

4. Random musings will only get you so far.

5. Which means you need a theme for your work.

6. Try something. If it works great. If not, try something else.

7. Having a goal is important. Having systems to ensure you accomplish them is even more important.

8. I will keep writing daily. But only publish weekly.

9. Quality is more important than quantity.

10. If you inform/entertain/motivate just one other person you have accomplished something.

11. Repeat no. 10 until you have found your 1000 true fans.

12. Just get started.

13. Ideas will come.

14. But only if you sit down and do the work.

15. You’ve got to motivate yourself.

16. Time limits are essential.

17. Letting others know what you are doing will give you motivation.

18. Worrying about what they think will curb your enthusiasm.

19. When you hit a wall, change your medium.

20. Starting a website for your work is a great investment.

21. You don’t need to worry about being original.

22. Because you have a unique voice.

23. Don’t be scared to share your personality.

24. Don’t be scared to admit that you’re still learning. Everybody is.

25. Get ideas from others. Don’t copy, just be inspired.

26. Steal from yourself. Recycle old ideas.

27. Like any challenge, when you complete it, enjoy the buzz.

28. Enjoy the relief too.

29. Not for too long, mind you. Set a new challenge.

30. Encourage others to do the same.